Fuego in – Fuego out.

“The fearless soul of exploration and a loyalty to evolution as we navigate the uncharted water of the industry.


Our tried and true flower at the most affordable price point. It’s a bounty that can’t be beat – a true testament to our dedication of bringing you the finest smoke in all the seven seas.


As proud winners of ‘The Hunt,’ they once graced Freddy’s Finest but now reign supreme in our flagship collection. These unique phenos hunted by Freddy and the crew are proven to be Fuego.


Showcasing the best phenotypes based on their unique qualities: smell, vigor, bag appeal, and overall high. These phenos are selected through the consumer voting process of The Hunt.

The fearless soul of exploration  

The fearless soul of exploration  

The fearless soul of exploration  

The fearless soul of exploration  

The fearless soul of exploration  

The fearless soul of exploration  

Valued Retailers